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Ref: 0025-000-580-000
9th Queen's Royal Lancers Cap Badge
Price: £5.00
Ref: 0026-000-580-0QC
12th Royal Lancers Cap Badge
Ref: 0026-000-580-1KC
Ref: 0026-000-580-2FR
Ref: 0027-000-580-000
The King's Royal Hussars (KRH) Cap Badge
Ref: 0028-000-580-000
The Royal Hussars Cap Badge
Ref: 0030-000-580-000
11th Hussars Cap Badge
Ref: 0031-000-580-000
14th/20th King's Hussars (14/20) Cap Badge
Ref: 0031-000-580-001
20th Hussars (20th) Cap Badge
Ref: 0032-000-580-OFF
The Light Dragoon (LD) Cap Badge Enamelled
Price: £10.00
Ref: 0032-000-580-ORS
The Light Dragoon (LD) Cap Badge
Price: £8.00
Ref: 0033-000-580-000
13th/18th Royal Hussars (13/18) Cap Badge
Ref: 0033-000-580-0KC
Ref: 0034-000-580-ENM
15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars (15/19) Cap Badge
Ref: 0035-000-580-000
The Queen's Royal Lancers (QRL) Cap Badge
Ref: 0036-000-580-ANO
16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers (16/5) Cap Badge
Ref: 0037-000-580-000
17th/21st Lancers Cap Badge
Ref: 0038-000-580-000
Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) (QC) Cap Badge
Ref: 0038-039-580-000
22nd Dragoons Cap Badge
Ref: 0038-43A-580-000
Recconiassance Corps Cap Badge White Metal
Ref: 0038-43B-580-000
Recconiassance Corps Cap Badge with Rose
Ref: 0038-43C-580-000
Recconiassance Corps Cap Badge Brass
Ref: 0041-000-580-0KC
Royal Engineers (RE) (KC) Cap Badge
Ref: 0046-000-580-000
Coldstream Guards
Ref: 0047-000-580-000
Scots Guards